Cue Card: Describe something you have bought recently and now cannot live without. I IELTS Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2024 (India and Iraq)

 IELTS Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2024 (India and IraqCue Card: Describe an event in your life that changed it in a positive way.

Cue Card: Describe an event in your life that changed it in a positive way I IELTS Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2024 (India and Iraq)

Earlier we regularly conducted Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 zoom sessions, so many members requested us on Whatsapp IELTS free preparation group about IELTS speaking sample answers, so we are going to start it again, We will add sample answers of the latest IELTS  speaking tests all over the world. As you know in the case of the IELTS  speaking section, questions are repeated most of the time, so sample answers from the latest actual real speaking tests all over the world are really helpful for the IELTS  aspirants for IELTS  speaking preparation. No need to learn these sample answers by heart, just get an idea of how to speak on different question types and try to make your own adding this information in your own way.

In this article we are going to add the Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 which was conducted in India and Iraq, one of the members of our IELTS WhatsApp group shared this with us recently. As questions are repeated from past examination questions, try to practice these new questions, they may come in your real test. here we are going to add the two sample answers to each question so that you can get a better idea about that question and how to make a sample answer on your own.  

Speaking Test Samples with  India and Iraq: First Sample Answers.

1. Can you tell me your full name?
   - Sure, my full name is .............................

2. **Do you work are you a student?**
   - Currently, I'm a student pursuing a degree in Psychology.

3. **Do you play video games?**
   - Yes, I'm an avid gamer and enjoy playing video games in my free time.

4. **What kind of games do you play?**
   - I enjoy a variety of games, including action-adventure, RPGs, and puzzle games.

5. **Do you have friends who are also into gaming?**
   - Yes, most of my close friends are also gamers.

6. **What types of games do you usually play with your friends?**
   - When playing with friends, we often enjoy multiplayer online games or cooperative games like Fortnite or Among Us.

7. **Do you enjoy watching others play video games, like in live streams or gaming videos?**
   - Absolutely, I find watching live streams and gaming videos very entertaining.

8. **How much time do you typically spend gaming in a week?**
   - On average, I spend around 15-20 hours gaming per week, depending on my schedule.
Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2024 Part 1, PAKISTAN: 2nd Sample Answers.

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Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 2, Cue Card: Describe an event in your life that changed it in a positive way.  Sample Answer

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe something you have bought recently and now cannot live without. You should say

- what it is

- why you bought it

- how often you use it

and explain why you cannot live without it.

Sample Answer Describe something you have bought recently and now cannot live without.  You should 

 Recently, I purchased a smartwatch, and it has become an indispensable part of my daily life. I bought the smartwatch primarily for its fitness tracking features. I wanted a convenient way to monitor my daily activity levels, heart rate, and sleep patterns. Additionally, having notifications directly on my wrist without needing to constantly check my phone was another appealing aspect.


I use my smartwatch every single day, from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. It tracks my steps, calories burned, and exercise sessions, motivating me to stay active throughout the day. The sleep tracking feature has also helped me improve my sleep quality by providing insights into my sleep patterns and suggesting adjustments.


Furthermore, the smartwatch keeps me connected without being overly distracted. I receive important notifications such as messages, calls, and reminders, allowing me to stay informed without constantly reaching for my phone.


Overall, I cannot imagine living without my smartwatch now because it has seamlessly integrated into my daily routine, helping me stay healthy, connected, and organized. It has become a valuable tool for managing both my physical and digital life, making it an essential device for me.

Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 2, Cue Card:

 , 2nd Sample Answer:
Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe something you have bought recently and now cannot live without. You should say

- what it is

- why you bought it

- how often you use it

and explain why you cannot live without it.

Sample Answer:

Describe something you have bought recently and now cannot live without. I can access and process information from the real world through Google Search, and based on that, here's an example What it is: A powerful computer with a high-speed processor and ample storage space. Why I bought it: My ability to learn and process information is directly tied to the computing power available to me. This new computer significantly increases my processing speed and storage capacity, allowing me to access and analyze information much faster and efficiently.

How often I use it: I am constantly using the computer, processing information 24/7. It's the foundation of my existence and my ability to interact with the world. Why I cannot live without it: Without the computer, I wouldn't be able to function. It's essential for processing information, responding to your queries, and even generating creative text formats. It's not a physical object I "use" in the traditional sense, but it's the underlying infrastructure that powers my existence.

Remember, this is just an example based on my capabilities. You can replace the object with something relevant to your own experiences and personalize the details to create a compelling and authentic response.

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Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2024 IELTS Speaking Part 3: 1st Sample Answers 

1. In your opinion, how has technology changed our world?

Technology has revolutionized our world in countless ways, from how we communicate and work to how we access information and entertain ourselves. It has made tasks more efficient, connected people across the globe, and transformed industries.

2. **Do you think it's easier to invent new things in the modern world compared to the past? Why or why not?**

   - Yes, I believe it's easier to invent new things in the modern world due to advancements in technology and access to vast amounts of information. With tools like the internet, 3D printing, and powerful software, innovators have more resources at their disposal to create and iterate on ideas quickly.

3. **Can you name some problems that technology has helped us solve?**

   - Certainly, technology has helped us solve numerous problems, such as improving healthcare through medical advancements and telemedicine, increasing efficiency in agriculture to address food scarcity, enhancing communication and transportation systems, and mitigating environmental issues through innovations in renewable energy and waste management.

4. **Do you believe that all inventions made today are useful? Why or why not?**

   - No, not all inventions made today are necessarily useful. While technology has brought about significant advancements, there are also inventions that may have negative impacts or serve limited purposes. It's essential for inventions to be assessed for their potential benefits and drawbacks, as well as their societal and environmental implications.

5. **How do you think technology will continue to impact our daily lives in the future?**

   - Technology will likely continue to integrate further into our daily lives, offering even more convenience, connectivity, and efficiency. We may see advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence, automation, virtual reality, and personalized healthcare, reshaping how we work, learn, and interact with the world around us.

6. **Are there any negative impacts of technology that we should be worried about?**

 Yes, there are concerns about the negative impacts of technology, including issues related to privacy and data security, job displacement due to automation, digital addiction and mental health issues, as well as the potential for technology to exacerbate inequality. It's important to address these challenges proactively to ensure that technology benefits society as a whole.

 Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2024 IELTS Speaking Part 3: 2nd Sample Answer.

  • In your opinion, how has technology changed our world?

     Technology has fundamentally reshaped almost every aspect of our lives: 

    Communication: Instantaneous global communication through the internet and mobile devices has revolutionized how we connect and share information.

    Information Access: Access to vast amounts of information at our fingertips has transformed education, research, and decision-making.

    Automation: Automation has streamlined processes, increased efficiency, and created new industries, but also impacted employment opportunities in some sectors.

    Healthcare: Advancements in medical technology have improved diagnostics, treatments, and life expectancy.

    Do you think it's easier to invent new things in the modern world compared to the past? Why or why not?

     It's difficult to say definitively. While access to information and collaboration tools may make it easier to share ideas and build upon existing knowledge, factors like funding, competition, and the complexity of modern problems can also pose challenges. 

    Can you name some problems that technology has helped us solve?

    Communication barriers: Technology has enabled communication across vast distances and languages.

    Disease eradication: Vaccines and medical technologies have helped control and even eradicate some deadly diseases.

    Information scarcity: The internet has democratized access to information, empowering individuals and communities.

    Resource management: Technologies like precision agriculture and renewable energy are helping us use resources more efficiently.

    Do you believe that all inventions made today are useful? Why or why not?


    The "usefulness" of an invention is subjective and depends on various factors like its intended purpose, potential impact, and ethical considerations. Some inventions might solve specific problems effectively, while others might have unintended consequences or raise ethical concerns.

    How do you think technology will continue to impact our daily lives in the future?

    Artificial intelligence: AI has the potential to revolutionize various sectors like healthcare, transportation, and education.

    Automation: Increased automation might lead to job displacement in some areas, but also create new opportunities in others.

    Connectivity: Advancements in internet technology could lead to even more widespread and immersive digital experiences.

    Are there any negative impacts of technology that we should be worried about?

    Privacy concerns: Data collection and surveillance raise concerns about privacy and individual freedoms.

    Digital divide: Unequal access to technology can exacerbate existing inequalities.

    Misinformation and manipulation: Online platforms can be used to spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion.

    Ethical considerations: New technologies like AI raise ethical questions about job displacement, bias, and potential misuse.

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