Cue Card: Describe an occasion when you spent some time with a young child. I IELTS Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 (INDIA)

  IELTS Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 (INDIA) Cue Card: Describe an occasion when you spent some time with a young child.Cue Card: Describe an occasion when you spent some time with a young child.  I IELTS Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 (INDIA)

Earlier we regularly conducted Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 zoom sessions, so many members requested us on Whatsapp IELTS free preparation group about IELTS speaking sample answers, so we are going to start it again, We will add sample answers of the latest IELTS  speaking tests all over the world. As you know in the case of the IELTS  speaking section, questions are repeated most of the time, so sample answers from the latest actual real speaking tests all over the world are really helpful for the IELTS  aspirants for IELTS  speaking preparation. No need to learn these sample answers by heart, just get an idea of how to speak on different question types and try to make your own adding this information in your own way.

In this article we are going to add the Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 which was conducted in INDIA, one of the members of our IELTS WhatsApp group shared this with us recently. As questions are repeated from past examination questions, try to practice these new questions, they may come in your real test. here we are going to add the two sample answers to each question so that you can get a better idea about that question and how to make a sample answer on your own.  

Speaking Test Samples with  INDIA: First Sample Answers.

 Can you tell me your full name, please? 

Sure, my full name is [Your Full Name].

Do you work or study?


Currently, I am [working/studying]. I work as [Your Job Title] at [Your Company/Institution].

Do you remember a teacher from your primary school?

 Yes, I remember my primary school teacher. Her name was Mrs. [Teacher's Last Name], and she taught [Subject].

What can you tell me about that teacher?

 Mrs. [Teacher's Last Name] was a very dedicated and caring teacher. She had a unique way of making learning fun, and she always encouraged us to ask questions. I have fond memories of her interactive teaching style.

Did you have a favorite subject in primary school? Why was it your favorite?

 My favorite subject in primary school was [Favorite Subject] because [provide a brief reason, such as finding it interesting or enjoying the way it was taught].

Do you like teaching? Why or why not?

 Yes, I do enjoy teaching. I find it fulfilling to share knowledge and help others learn new things. It's gratifying to see students grasp concepts and succeed in their studies.

How has teaching and teachers changed lately?

 Teaching has evolved with advancements in technology. Teachers now have access to various educational tools and resources, making the learning experience more interactive and engaging. Additionally, there is a greater emphasis on personalized learning to cater to individual student needs.

What second language were you taught in school?

 In school, I was taught [Second Language], which was a mandatory subject in the curriculum.

Has this language been useful to you later in life? Why or why not?

 Yes, knowing [Second Language] has been beneficial in various aspects of my life. It has opened up opportunities for communication and understanding different cultures. Additionally, it has proven useful in my professional life, especially when dealing with international colleagues or clients.

Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 1, INDIA: 2nd Sample Answers.

     Question 1: Can you tell me your full name, please?

     Answer: (State your full name clearly and confidently.)

     Question 2: Do you work or study?

     Answer: (Explain your current stage of life, for example, "I am currently studying [insert your field of study]" or "I work as a [insert your job title]".)

     Question 3: Do you remember a teacher from your primary school?

     Answer: (Describe a specific teacher who made an impact on you. Mention their name, subject they taught, and a reason you remember them. For example, "I vividly remember a teacher named Ms. [Teacher's name] who taught me [subject]. She was [positive attribute(s)] and [impact she had on you]".)

     Question 4: What can you tell me about that teacher?

     Answer: (Elaborate on your previous answer. Share a specific anecdote or example that illustrates the teacher's personality, teaching style, or influence on you. For example, "[Share a specific memory related to the teacher] This showed me [what you learned or how they influenced you]".)

     Question 5: Did you have a favorite subject in primary school? Why was it your favorite?

     Answer: (Name your favorite subject and explain why you enjoyed it. Mention aspects like interesting content, engaging activities, or inspiring teachers. For example, "My favorite subject was [subject] because [specific reasons you enjoyed it]". )

     Question 6: Do you like teaching? Why or why not?

     Answer: (Share your opinion on teaching and the reasons behind it. Consider your personal experiences, interests, and understanding of the profession. For example, "I have always found the idea of teaching fascinating because [reasons you find it interesting]. However, [concerns or reservations you may have]".)

     Question 7: How has teaching and teachers changed lately?

     Answer: (Share your observations on the evolution of teaching methods, technology integration, or the role of teachers in society. For example, "I believe teaching has become more [mention specific changes, e.g., interactive, technology-driven]. Teachers today seem to play a more [mention new roles, e.g., supportive, adaptable] role".)

     Question 8: What second language were you taught in school?

     Answer: (Name the second language you learned and any details about the educational setting. For example, "I was taught [language] in primary school" or "My school offered [language] classes".)

     Question 9: Has this language been useful to you later in life? Why or why not?

     Answer: (Evaluate the importance of the language you learned. Share practical benefits or personal experiences, even if you don't use it regularly. For example, "Learning [language] has been surprisingly beneficial. While I don't use it daily, it [mention advantages, e.g., enhanced understanding of other cultures, opened career opportunities]".)

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Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 2, Cue Card: Describe an occasion when you spent some time with a young child. Sample Answer

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an occasion when you spent some time with a young child. Please say:

- who the child was

- why you spent time with him/her

- what you did together during that time

and explain how you felt about spending time with this child.

Sample Answer  Describe an occasion when you spent some time with a young child. You should say:

Who the child was:

The young child I spent time with was my niece, Emma. At the time, she was four years old, full of energy, and always eager to explore the world around her.

 Why you spent time with him/her:

I had the opportunity to spend time with Emma during a family gathering. Her parents were busy with some responsibilities, and I volunteered to take care of her for a few hours, knowing how much she enjoys spending time with her extended family.

 What you did together during that time:

We engaged in various activities to keep her entertained and stimulated. We started with some coloring and drawing, creating vibrant masterpieces with crayons and paper. After that, we played some simple board games designed for her age group, which helped her develop basic cognitive skills. As her enthusiasm didn't seem to wane, we decided to venture outdoors for a short walk in a nearby park, where she could run around and enjoy the playground.

 To cap off our time together, we ended up baking cookies in the kitchen. Emma was fascinated by the process, from measuring ingredients to shaping the cookie dough. It turned into a delightful mess, but the joy on her face as she proudly presented the finished cookies made it all worthwhile.

 Explain how you felt about spending time with this child:

Spending time with Emma was incredibly heartwarming and enjoyable. Her innocent curiosity and boundless energy infused the atmosphere with a sense of joy and positivity. Witnessing the world through her eyes, full of wonder and excitement, was a refreshing experience. I felt a strong sense of responsibility and connection during our time together, as I not only provided entertainment but also contributed to her learning and development. It was a reminder of the simple pleasures in life and left me with a deep appreciation for the innocence and exuberance of childhood. Overall, the experience left me feeling fulfilled and grateful for the precious moments shared with my young niece.

Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 2, Cue Card:

 , 2nd Sample Answer:
Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an occasion when you spent some time with a young child. Please say:

- who the child was

- why you spent time with him/her

- what you did together during that time

and explain how you felt about spending time with this child.

Sample Answer:

I can use that information to create a story based on your cue card prompts. Here's an example response:

The child was my five-year-old niece, Lily. My sister was busy with some errands, so she asked me to keep Lily entertained for a couple of hours. I jumped at the chance, as I adore my niece and love spending time with her. We set up camp in the living room, turning it into a magical forest. We used blankets for a tent, pillows for rocks, and even built a pretend campfire out of books. Lily transformed into a brave explorer, and I became her trusty animal companion. We navigated the treacherous jungles (furniture), crossed rushing rivers (carpet seams), and climbed towering mountains (bookshelves). We even encountered a fierce dragon (stuffed toy) that Lily bravely defeated with a magical feather (her hairbrush). Spending time with Lily was pure joy. Her excitement and imagination were infectious, and I found myself lost in our make-believe world. Her laughter filled the room like sunshine, and her boundless energy kept me on my toes. I was reminded of the simple pleasures of childhood, and how the world can be an endless adventure with the right perspective. It was a bittersweet moment when my sister returned. On one hand, I was happy to see them reunited, but on the other, I already missed our little adventure. It reaffirmed my love for children and the special bond that can be formed through shared experiences. This is just one example, and you can adjust the details to fit your own personal experiences or preferences. I hope this helps!

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Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 IELTS Speaking Part 3: 1st Sample Answers 

In your opinion, what role should parents play in disciplining their children?

 Parents play a crucial role in disciplining their children. While it's important to set clear rules and boundaries, discipline should be more about guidance and teaching rather than punishment. Parents should strive to communicate effectively, understand the reasons behind their children's behavior, and help them learn from their mistakes. Consistent and fair discipline fosters a healthy parent-child relationship and contributes to the child's overall development.

 Who usually spends more time with children in a family, the mother or the father?

 Traditionally, mothers have often been perceived as the primary caregivers spending more time with children. However, in modern times, these roles have evolved, and fathers are increasingly involved in child-rearing. The division of time spent with children can vary widely depending on individual family dynamics, work schedules, and cultural factors.

 Do you think this is the same in all families?

 No, the distribution of time spent with children varies significantly among families. Factors such as cultural norms, parental responsibilities, and work arrangements contribute to the diversity in how families allocate caregiving responsibilities. Some families may have more equal sharing of parenting duties, while others might have a more traditional division of roles.

 Why do you think it is important for parents to monitor their children's friendships?

 Monitoring children's friendships is crucial as it allows parents to ensure that their children are associating with positive influences. Friends can have a significant impact on a child's values, behavior, and overall development. By staying involved in their social circles, parents can identify potential issues early on and provide guidance, fostering a supportive and healthy environment for their children.

 Do you think parents should have a role in choosing their children's friends?

 While it's essential for parents to be aware of their children's friendships, actively choosing their friends might hinder the child's social development. Instead, parents should focus on instilling values and teaching their children to make informed choices when it comes to friendships. Encouraging open communication and trust allows children to develop their social skills while still benefiting from parental guidance.

 Do you believe children learn more effectively from making mistakes or from strict rules and conditions? Why?

 Both making mistakes and having clear rules contribute to a child's learning experience. Making mistakes provides valuable opportunities for learning and personal growth, fostering independence and resilience. However, having reasonable rules and conditions establishes a framework for behavior and helps children understand societal norms and expectations. A balanced approach, combining the freedom to learn from mistakes with a structured environment, is often the most effective in promoting holistic development.

 Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 IELTS Speaking Part 3: 2nd Sample Answer.
  •  Parents' Role in Discipline:

    Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's moral compass and social behavior. Their role should involve setting clear expectations, establishing boundaries, and offering guidance with love and understanding. While consequences are necessary for inappropriate behavior, harsh punishment or shaming should be avoided. Ideally, discipline should focus on teaching children to take responsibility for their actions and make positive choices.

    2. Time Spent with Children:

    Traditionally, mothers often spend more time with children due to societal expectations and gender roles. However, this is changing rapidly. Many fathers are now actively involved in childcare and household duties, leading to a more balanced distribution of time. Ultimately, the amount of time each parent spends with their children should be based on individual circumstances and family dynamics.

    3. Universality of Family Dynamics:

    No two families are exactly alike. Factors like cultural background, socioeconomic status, and individual personalities influence how much time parents spend with children and how family life unfolds. While traditional roles persist in some cultures, the trend towards egalitarian parenting is gaining ground globally.

    4. Importance of Monitoring Friendships:

    Parents have a responsibility to ensure their children's safety and well-being, which includes monitoring their friendships. This doesn't involve micromanagement or controlling behavior, but rather being aware of who their children spend time with and observing their interactions. If potential concerns arise, parents can open conversations and offer guidance without dictating friendships.

    5. Parental Role in Choosing Friends:

    While parents can offer advice and help navigate social situations, ultimately, children should have the freedom to choose their own friends. Dictating friendships can damage trust and foster resentment. Instead, parents can help their children develop good judgment and social skills to make responsible choices about whom they befriend.

    6. Learning from Mistakes vs. Strict Rules:

    Both mistakes and rules play a role in learning, but their effectiveness depends on context and age. Children learn best through a balance of exploration, experimentation, and guidance. Making mistakes allows them to learn from experience and develop resilience. However, some situations require clear boundaries and structured rules to ensure safety and responsible behavior. The key is to adjust the approach based on the child's age, maturity, and the specific situation.

    Remember, these are just sample answers. Feel free to personalize them with your own experiences and opinions. Good luck with your IELTS speaking test!

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