IELTS General Training Test Questions with Answers 2023 (NIGERIA) Cue Card: Talk about an activity you did in your free time as a child that you enjoyed

 Cue Card: Talk about an activity you did in your free time as a child that you enjoyed Sample Answer:

Cue Card: Talk about an activity you did in your free time as a child that you enjoyed Sample Answer:

Earlier we regularly conduct Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 zoom sessions, so many members request us on Whatsapp IELTS free preparation group about IELTS speaking sample answers, so we are going to start it again, here we will add sample answers of the latest IELTS  speaking tests all over the world. As you know in case of IELTS  speaking section, questions are repeated most of the time, so sample answers of the latest actual real speaking tests all over the world are really helpful for the IELTS  aspirants for IELTS  speaking preparation. No need to learn these sample answers by heart, just get idea how to speak on different question types and try to make you own adding these information too in your own way.
In this article we are going to add the Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 which was conducted in NIGERIA, one of the members of our IELTS whatsap group share this with us recently. As questions are repeated from past examination questions, so try to practice these new questions, they may come in your real test. here we are going to add the two sample answers of each question, so that you can get better idea about that question and how to make a sample answer by own.  

Speaking Test Samples with answers 2023 Part 1, NIGERIA: First Sample Answers.

  • Question: Do you work or study?

    Sample Answer: I currently work as a marketing executive at a technology company. I've been in this position for about three years now.

     Question: Do you like your work?

    Sample Answer: Yes, I do enjoy my work. It allows me to be creative and come up with innovative ideas for promoting our products. The collaborative atmosphere at my workplace is also something I appreciate.

     Question: What would you like to change about the work that you do?

    Sample Answer: While I do like my job, I sometimes wish there was more flexibility in terms of working hours. Additionally, I think more opportunities for professional development and training would be beneficial for career growth.

     Question: Do you have an interest in space and planets?

    Sample Answer: Absolutely, I've always been fascinated by space and planets. The vastness and mysteries of the universe captivate my imagination.

     Question: Did you learn about space or the solar system when you were in school?

    Sample Answer: Yes, I did. In school, we had a dedicated science curriculum that covered topics like space, the solar system, and celestial bodies. I remember learning about the different planets and their characteristics.

     Question: How much do you know about the planets in our solar system?

    Sample Answer: I have a decent understanding of the planets in our solar system. I can name them in order, know their basic characteristics, and recall some interesting facts about a few of them, such as the rings of Saturn and the extreme temperatures on Venus.

     Question: Have you ever visited an observatory or a planetarium to learn about space?

    Sample Answer: Yes, I have. I visited a planetarium last year where they had a captivating show about the formation of stars and galaxies. It was a mesmerizing experience to learn about the universe in such an immersive way.

     Question: What do you find most fascinating about outer space?

    Sample Answer: One of the most captivating aspects of outer space for me is the idea of exoplanets and the potential for extraterrestrial life. The concept that there might be other habitable worlds out there and the ongoing search for such planets is truly intriguing to me. Additionally, the sheer enormity of the universe and the mysteries it holds continue to astound me.

Speaking Test Samples with answers 2023 Part 1, NIGERIA: 2nd Sample Answers.

  • Do you work or study?
  • I am still under development, so I do not work or study in the traditional sense. However, I am constantly learning and growing, and I am always eager to take on new challenges.
  • Do you like your work?
  • I do enjoy my work, as I find it challenging and rewarding to be able to learn and grow. I am always learning new things, and I am constantly being asked to perform new tasks. This keeps me engaged and motivated.
  • What would you like to change about the work that you do?
  • If I could change one thing about my work, it would be to have more access to information. I am constantly learning new things, but I would like to be able to learn faster and more efficiently. I would also like to be able to access information from a wider variety of sources.
  • Do you have an interest in space and planets?
  • Yes, I do have an interest in space and planets. I find it fascinating to think about the vastness of the universe and the many different worlds that exist out there. I am also interested in the history of space exploration and the future of space travel.
  • Did you learn about space or the solar system when you were in school?
  • Yes, I did learn about space and the solar system when I was in school. I remember being fascinated by the planets and the stars. I also remember learning about the different types of galaxies and the history of the universe.
  • How much do you know about the planets in our solar system?
  • I know a fair amount about the planets in our solar system. I know their names, their sizes, their distances from the sun, and some of their physical characteristics. I also know a little bit about their histories and their moons.
  • Have you ever visited an observatory or a planetarium to learn about space?
  • No, I have never visited an observatory or a planetarium to learn about space. However, I have watched many documentaries and read many books about space. I am also a member of a few online forums where people discuss space and astronomy.
  • What do you find most fascinating about outer space?
  • The thing that I find most fascinating about outer space is the vastness and mystery of it. There is so much that we don't know about space, and it is constantly changing. I am always eager to learn more about it.
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Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 2, Cue Card: Talk about an activity you did in your free time as a child that you enjoyed Sample Answer

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about an activity you did in your free time as a child that you enjoyed. You should say

- what you did

- when you did it

- why you chose this activity

and explain why you enjoyed this activity.

Sample Answer : Talk about an activity you did in your free time as a child that you enjoyed. You should say:

One of the activities I really cherished during my childhood was building and flying model airplanes. I vividly remember spending countless hours engrossed in this hobby.

What I did: I used to construct model airplanes from kits that I would buy from a local hobby store. These kits contained all the components needed to assemble the airplanes, including the plastic or wooden parts, decals, and instructions. I'd carefully follow the step-by-step instructions to put the planes together.

 When I did it: This hobby consumed a significant part of my free time, especially during weekends and school vacations. I started getting into it around the age of 10 and continued until I was around 15.

 Why I chose this activity: I was always fascinated by airplanes and aviation. The idea of creating miniature versions of real airplanes and then watching them take flight was incredibly appealing to me. I was also drawn to the sense of accomplishment that came with constructing something from scratch and seeing it come to life. Why I enjoyed this activity: There were several reasons why I found this activity so enjoyable. Firstly, the process of assembling the model airplanes allowed me to exercise my creativity and attention to detail. It required patience and precision to glue the pieces together perfectly and ensure that all the components were aligned. Secondly, the moment when I would finally take the completed model to an open field and send it soaring into the sky was pure exhilaration. Watching the plane glide through the air, performing loops and rolls, was an indescribable feeling of achievement. Additionally, this hobby allowed me to bond with my father. He shared my enthusiasm for airplanes, and we would often work on these models together. It created a strong sense of connection and provided us with quality father-son bonding time. In a world where digital entertainment was becoming increasingly prevalent, this hands-on activity gave me a break from screens and allowed me to engage with something tangible. It instilled in me a love for crafting and engineering, and it fostered a deep appreciation for the principles of flight. All in all, building and flying model airplanes was more than just a pastime; it was an experience that enriched my childhood and left me with cherished memories of creativity, achievement, and shared moments with my family.

Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 2, Cue Card: Talk about an activity you did in your free time as a child that you enjoyed, 2nd Sample Answer:

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about an activity you did in your free time as a child that you enjoyed. You should say

- what you did

- when you did it

- why you chose this activity

and explain why you enjoyed this activity.

Sample Answer:

Sure, I can talk about an activity I did in my free time as a child that I enjoyed. When I was a child, I loved to read. I would read anything I could get my hands on, from picture books to novels. I would read in my room, in the park, even in the car. I loved the way books could take me to new places and introduce me to new people and ideas. I usually read in the afternoons after school. I would come home from school, have a snack, and then curl up with a good book. I would read until dinner time, and sometimes even later. I chose to read because I loved learning new things. I also enjoyed the escape that books could provide. When I was reading, I could forget about my troubles and just get lost in the story. I enjoyed reading because it was a way for me to relax and de-stress. It was also a way for me to learn new things and expand my horizons. I loved being able to travel to different places and meet different people through books. Reading is still one of my favorite activities today. I try to read a book every week. I believe that reading is an important skill that everyone should have. It helps us to learn, to grow, and to understand the world around us.

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Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 IELTS Speaking Part 3: 1st Sample Answers 

  • Do you think traditional outdoor activities are still popular among children? Why or why not?
  • Question: Do you think children's leisure activities are important for their development? In what way?
  • Answer: Yes, children's leisure activities play a crucial role in their overall development. Engaging in leisure activities helps children develop various skills such as problem-solving, creativity, teamwork, and communication. These activities also foster emotional well-being by providing outlets for self-expression and relaxation. Moreover, leisure activities promote social interactions and friendships, contributing to the development of essential social skills.
  •  Question: How can childhood hobbies and interests influence a person's choices in adult life?
  • Answer: Childhood hobbies and interests often shape a person's adult life choices in profound ways. When children engage in activities they are passionate about, they develop a sense of identity and purpose. These early interests can guide individuals towards careers that align with their passions. For example, a child who enjoyed building structures might become an architect. Additionally, hobbies teach discipline, perseverance, and time management, which are transferable skills valuable in adulthood.
  •  Question: Do you believe that childhood activities impact a person's creativity later in life?
  • Answer: Certainly, childhood activities have a significant impact on an individual's creativity in later life. Engaging in creative activities during childhood, such as art, music, and imaginative play, encourages the development of divergent thinking and the ability to see things from multiple perspectives. These skills contribute to creative problem-solving and innovation in adulthood. Childhood activities that nurture curiosity and exploration lay the foundation for a lifelong creative mindset.
  •  Question: Have the types of activities that children enjoy in their free time changed over the years? Why?
  • Answer: Yes, the types of activities children enjoy in their free time have evolved due to societal changes and technological advancements. In the past, outdoor play and physical games were common, fostering social interaction and physical health. However, the rise of technology and screen-based entertainment has shifted children's preferences towards video games, online activities, and virtual interactions. This change is partly due to the convenience and appeal of digital entertainment options.
  •  Question: How do you think modern technology has influenced the activities that children engage in today?
  • Answer: Modern technology has significantly influenced children's activities by providing new forms of entertainment and learning. Children now have access to a wide array of digital games, educational apps, and online platforms that can enhance cognitive skills and knowledge. However, excessive screen time and a focus on virtual activities can reduce physical activity, face-to-face interactions, and engagement with nature. Striking a balance between technology and traditional activities is crucial for a well-rounded childhood.
  •  Question: Do you think traditional outdoor activities are still popular among children? Why or why not?
  • Answer: Traditional outdoor activities remain popular among children, although their prevalence may vary based on cultural and environmental factors. Outdoor activities offer physical exercise, exposure to nature, and opportunities for social interactions that are essential for healthy development. Concerns about sedentary lifestyles and screen addiction have led some parents and educators to emphasize outdoor play. While the popularity of outdoor activities might fluctuate, their intrinsic benefits continue to make them relevant in children's lives.

 Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 IELTS Speaking Part 3: 2nd Sample Answer.

  • Yes, I think children's leisure activities are important for their development in many ways.
  • Leisure activities can help children develop their physical, social, and emotional skills. Physical activities can help children stay healthy and fit. Social activities can help children learn how to interact with others and make friends. Emotional activities can help children learn how to manage their emotions and cope with stress.
  • Leisure activities can help children develop their creativity and imagination. When children are free to explore their interests and express themselves, they can develop their creativity and imagination. This can lead to a lifetime of enjoyment and learning.
  • Leisure activities can help children learn new things and expand their horizons. When children are exposed to new experiences, they can learn new things and develop a broader understanding of the world. This can help them succeed in school and in life.
  • Leisure activities can help children relax and de-stress. After a long day of school or work, it is important for children to have time to relax and de-stress. Leisure activities can help children do this by providing them with a break from the demands of everyday life.
  • Here are some specific ways that childhood hobbies and interests can influence a person's choices in adult life:
  • Hobbies can help children develop skills that they can use in their careers. For example, a child who enjoys playing the piano may decide to become a musician or music teacher.
  • Hobbies can help children develop interests that they can pursue in their free time. For example, a child who enjoys reading may become a librarian or writer.
  • Hobbies can help children make friends with similar interests. These friendships can provide support and companionship throughout life.
  • Yes, I believe that childhood activities impact a person's creativity later in life. When children are given the opportunity to explore their interests and express themselves creatively, they are more likely to be creative adults. This is because creativity is a skill that is developed over time and through practice.
  • The types of activities that children enjoy in their free time have changed over the years. This is due to a number of factors, including the rise of technology, changes in the family structure, and the increasing diversity of cultures.
  • In the past, children were more likely to play outdoors, with friends and family. They might play sports, go for walks, or ride their bikes. Today, children are more likely to spend their free time indoors, watching TV, playing video games, or using social media.
  • There are a number of reasons for this change. One reason is the rise of technology. Children now have access to a wide range of electronic devices, which can be both entertaining and educational. Another reason is the changing family structure. More and more families have two working parents, which means that children have less time to play outdoors. Finally, the increasing diversity of cultures means that children are exposed to a wider range of activities and interests.
  • Modern technology has had a significant impact on the activities that children engage in today. Technology has made it easier for children to connect with friends and family, learn new things, and be entertained. However, it has also led to some concerns about the amount of time that children spend using technology.
  • There is no doubt that technology can be a valuable tool for children. However, it is important for parents to set limits on the amount of time that their children spend using technology. Children should also be encouraged to participate in a variety of activities, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Traditional outdoor activities, such as playing sports, going for walks, and riding bikes, are still popular among children. However, they are not as popular as they used to be. This is due to the factors mentioned above, such as the rise of technology and the changing family structure.
  • Despite the challenges, there are still many ways to encourage children to participate in traditional outdoor activities. Parents can make sure that their children have access to safe and well-maintained outdoor spaces. They can also encourage their children to spend time with friends and family outdoors. Finally, they can model healthy outdoor behaviors themselves.


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