IELTS Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 (AUSTRALIA) Cue Card: Describe a time when you got lost.

IELTS Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 (AUSTRALIA) Cue Card: Describe a time when you got lost. Sample Answer:

IELTS Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 (AUSTRALIA) Cue Card: Describe a time when you got lost.

Earlier we regularly conducted Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 zoom sessions, so many members requested us on Whatsapp IELTS free preparation group about IELTS speaking sample answers, so we are going to start it again, We will add sample answers of the latest IELTS  speaking tests all over the world. As you know in the case of the IELTS  speaking section, questions are repeated most of the time, so sample answers from the latest actual real speaking tests all over the world are really helpful for the IELTS  aspirants for IELTS  speaking preparation. No need to learn these sample answers by heart, just get an idea of how to speak on different question types and try to make your own adding this information in your own way.
In this article we are going to add the Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 which was conducted in AUSTRALIA, one of the members of our IELTS WhatsApp group shared this with us recently. As questions are repeated from past examination questions, try to practice these new questions, they may come in your real test. here we are going to add the two sample answers to each question so that you can get a better idea about that question and how to make a sample answer on your own.  

Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 1, AUSTRALIA: First Sample Answers.

What is your full name?

  •  My full name is [Your Full Name].
  • Where are you from?
  •  I am from [Your Hometown/Country].
  • Do you like the area where you live?
  •  Yes, I really like the area where I live. It's a peaceful and friendly neighborhood, and it offers a great balance between urban convenience and natural beauty.
  • Do you know some of your neighbors?
  •  Yes, I do. I'm fortunate to have friendly neighbors, and I've had the chance to get to know a few of them over the years. We often chat and help each other out when needed.
  • Do you enjoy drinking tea or coffee? Why or why not?
  •  Yes, I enjoy both tea and coffee, but for different reasons. Tea is soothing and helps me relax, especially herbal teas like chamomile. On the other hand, coffee gives me an energy boost and helps me stay alert when I need it.
  • Which one do you prefer, tea or coffee?
  •  It depends on the situation. In the morning or when I need a pick-me-up, I prefer coffee. In the evening or when I want to unwind, I lean towards tea.
  • Do you usually prepare your coffee/tea at home or buy it in a cafe?
  •  I usually prepare my tea or coffee at home. It's not only more convenient but also allows me to customize it to my liking. However, I do enjoy an occasional trip to a cafe for a different experience.
  • In your country, is tea or coffee more popular?
  •  In my country, [Specify your country], tea is more popular. Tea has a long-standing cultural significance here, and there are various traditional tea ceremonies and rituals associated with it.
  • What would you serve your guests, tea or coffee?
  •  I would ask my guests for their preference first, but if they don't have a preference, I'd typically offer them both options. That way, they can choose whichever they prefer, whether it's tea or coffee, to make them feel comfortable and welcomed.

 Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 1, AUSTRALIA: 2nd Sample Answers.

What is your full name? My full name is Bard.

  • Where are you from? I am from the United States.
  • Do you like the area where you live? Yes, I do. I live in a quiet neighbourhood with friendly people. There are also many parks and restaurants nearby, so I can easily find things to do.
  • Do you know some of your neighbours? Yes, I know a few of my neighbours. We often say hello to each other when we see each other outside.
  • Do you enjoy drinking tea or coffee? Why or why not? I enjoy drinking both tea and coffee. I like the taste of tea, and I also like the caffeine boost that coffee gives me.
  • Which one do you prefer, tea or coffee? I prefer tea. I like the way it tastes, and I think it's a more refreshing drink.
  • Do you usually prepare your coffee/tea at home or buy it in a cafe? I usually prepare my tea at home. I like to use loose-leaf tea, and I find that it tastes better when I make it myself.
  • In your country, is tea or coffee more popular? In the United States, coffee is more popular than tea. However, tea is becoming more popular, especially among younger people.
  • What would you serve your guests, tea or coffee? I would serve my guests tea or coffee, whichever they prefer. I would also ask them if they have any other preferences.

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Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 2, Cue Card: Describe a time when you got lost. Sample Answer

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a time when you got lost. You should say

- Where and when it happened

- how you got lost

- how you felt about it

and explain how you found your way.

Sample AnswerTalk about a picture you recently took. You should say:

Certainly, here's a sample answer for the IELTS Cue Card topic "Describe a time when you got lost":

I'd like to share an experience from a few years ago when I got lost during a trip to a foreign country. It was during a vacation in Tokyo, Japan, which happened in the summer of 2018. I got lost while exploring the bustling streets of the Shibuya district, which is famous for its busy intersection and vibrant nightlife. I was strolling around, taking in the sights and sounds, and I became engrossed in the sheer energy of the place. I kept wandering around, taking turns down various streets without paying much attention to where I was headed. As I walked deeper into the neighbourhood, I gradually realized that the surroundings were unfamiliar, and I couldn't recognize any landmarks. Panic started to set in as I was unable to read Japanese street signs, and very few people around me spoke English. I felt a mixture of anxiety and frustration, especially because I didn't have access to a map or GPS at that moment. To find my way back, I took a deep breath and decided to retrace my steps. I retraced my route backwards, trying to remember the stores and buildings I had passed. Thankfully, after a while, I recognized a familiar shop, which helped me regain my bearings. I was immensely relieved when I finally found my way back to the Shibuya Crossing, which was a central point I recognized. Reflecting on the experience, I felt a range of emotions. Initially, there was a sense of panic and helplessness, but as I navigated my way out of the situation, I felt a surge of self-reliance and resourcefulness. It taught me the importance of staying aware of my surroundings, especially in unfamiliar places, and the value of keeping a map or GPS handy. Overall, getting lost in Tokyo was a challenging experience, but it also became a memorable part of my trip. It taught me to be more cautious and resourceful while travelling, and it made me appreciate the kindness of strangers who offered assistance when I needed it most. 

Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 Part 2, Cue Card: Describe a time when you got lost. , 2nd Sample Answer:
Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a time when you got lost. You should say

- Where and when it happened

- how you got lost

- how you felt about it

and explain how you found your way.

Sample Answer:

  • Where and when did it happen? I got lost in a forest near my hometown when I was 12 years old. It was a summer day, and I was playing with my friends in the forest. We were exploring a new part of the forest, and we didn't realize that we had gotten lost until it was too late.

    How did you get lost? We were following a trail, but we took a wrong turn. We didn't realize that we were lost until we had been walking for a while and we didn't recognize any of the landmarks.

    How did you feel about it? I was scared and confused. I didn't know what to do, and I was worried that we would never find our way back.

    How did you find your way? We eventually found our way back by following a river. We walked along the river until we came to a familiar area.

    I learned a valuable lesson that day about the importance of staying on trails and being aware of your surroundings. I also learned that it's important to stay calm when you're lost, and to not give up hope.

     Here are some additional things I could say to elaborate on my answer:

     I remember feeling very alone and scared when we first realized that we were lost. The forest was very quiet, and we couldn't see anyone else.

    We tried to retrace our steps, but we couldn't find the trail. We were starting to panic, and I was thinking about all the things that could happen to us.

    We eventually found the river, and that gave us hope. We knew that if we followed the river, it would eventually lead us back to civilization.

    We walked along the river for a long time, and I was starting to lose hope again. But then we finally saw a familiar landmark, and we knew that we were almost home.

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Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 IELTS Speaking Part 3: 1st Sample Answers 

How can people find their way when they are lost? When people find themselves lost, there are several ways to navigate and find their way. They can ask for directions from locals or passersby, use a map, use a GPS navigation app on their smartphone, or look for landmarks to orient themselves.

Is it more common for people to get lost nowadays compared to the past?

It's arguable whether people get lost more frequently nowadays compared to the past. With the advent of digital maps and navigation apps, it has become easier to find one's way, but at the same time, people may rely on technology and not develop strong map-reading skills, which could lead to a higher likelihood of getting lost in unfamiliar areas.

Do you think it is important to be able to read a map?

Yes, I believe it's important to be able to read a map. While technology has made navigation more accessible, maps provide a fundamental understanding of geography and spatial orientation. They are valuable tools in case of technology failures, and they can also help people appreciate and explore their surroundings more effectively.

How have digital maps and navigation apps affected people's map-reading skills?Digital maps and navigation apps have made navigation more convenient, but they have also led to a decline in traditional map-reading skills. Many people now rely heavily on GPS and may struggle to read a paper map or orient themselves without digital assistance.

How can someone improve their map-reading skills?

To improve map-reading skills, individuals can start by practicing with paper maps and atlases. They should learn how to interpret symbols, scales, and legends. Taking orienteering classes or participating in outdoor activities like hiking can also enhance map-reading abilities. Additionally, using GPS devices with map features while hiking or driving can be a practical way to learn map reading in real-life situations.

Do you think it is important to prepare before traveling to new places? 

Absolutely, preparing before traveling to new places is crucial. Researching the destination, understanding its geography, culture, and local customs can greatly enhance the travel experience and help individuals avoid unnecessary difficulties. It also ensures that travelers can navigate the area more confidently and make the most of their trip.

What skills or strategies could people use to avoid getting lost while traveling?

To avoid getting lost while traveling, people can:

Plan routes in advance and have a general sense of direction.

Carry a map or use a reliable navigation app.

Pay attention to landmarks and street signs.

Ask locals for directions or advice.

Stay aware of surroundings and follow a well-lit path, if possible.

Travel with a group or inform someone of their itinerary.

Keep their smartphone or GPS device charged and updated.

These strategies can help travelers stay oriented and minimize the chances of getting lost in unfamiliar places.

 Speaking Test Samples with Answers 2023 IELTS Speaking Part 3: 2nd Sample Answer.

How can people find their way when they are lost?

There are a few things that people can do to find their way when they are lost. One is to stay calm and not panic. This will help them think clearly and make better decisions. Another is to retrace their steps. This may be difficult if they have been walking for a long time, but it is worth a try. They can also look for landmarks that they recognize. This could be a building, a tree, or even a street sign. If they are still lost, they can ask for help from a local.

Is it more common for people to get lost nowadays compared to the past?

It is difficult to say whether it is more common for people to get lost nowadays compared to the past. On the one hand, there are more people traveling than ever before, and many of them are traveling to unfamiliar places. This means that there is a greater risk of getting lost. On the other hand, there are also more tools available to help people find their way, such as digital maps and navigation apps. These tools can make it easier to find your way, even if you are in an unfamiliar place.


Do you think it is important to be able to read a map?

I think it is important to be able to read a map, even if you have a digital map or navigation app. This is because maps can give you a general overview of the area you are in, and they can also help you if your device runs out of battery or you lose signal.

How have digital maps and navigation apps affected people's map-reading skills?

Digital maps and navigation apps have had a mixed impact on people's map-reading skills. On the one hand, they have made it easier for people to find their way, which has led to some people becoming less reliant on traditional map-reading skills. On the other hand, these apps have also made it easier for people to learn how to read maps, and they can also be used to improve map-reading skills.

 How can someone improve their map-reading skills?

There are a few things that someone can do to improve their map-reading skills. One is to practice regularly. This could involve looking at maps of different areas and trying to find your way around. Another is to take a map-reading course. These courses can teach you the basics of map-reading and how to use different types of maps.

 Do you think it is important to prepare before traveling to new places?

I think it is important to prepare before traveling to new places, especially if you are going to be in an unfamiliar area. This could involve doing some research on the area, such as looking at maps and reading travel guides. It is also a good idea to have a plan of how you are going to get around, and to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong.

 What skills or strategies could people use to avoid getting lost while travelling?

There are a few skills or strategies that people could use to avoid getting lost while travelling. One is to always be aware of your surroundings. This means paying attention to landmarks, street signs, and other things that can help you orient yourself. It is also a good idea to have a map or navigation app with you and to know how to use it. Another strategy is to ask for help if you get lost. This could be from a local, a tourist information centre, or even a police officer.

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